Here is your short paragraph on my school library:

Here is your short paragraph on my school library:
Every school has a library and like every school, even my school has a wonderful library. A library is a very important part of a school as it helps students to gain and acquire
knowledge. It is the heart and soul of a school as it provides lots of information and details that students would require.
Our school has a very large library. There are plenty number of books in the library. We have a librarian who keeps a track of all the books that go in and out of the library. We have an exclusive library period, where we are allowed to go and read books.
From small story books to large reference books, journals and magazines are all available in our library. They are all arranged in different sections, so that it becomes easy for those who search for a particular book. It helps students refer notes that they are looking for and helps in cultivating a reading habit too.
The librarian allocates cards to students and notes down details when a book is being lend from the library. Once the reference is over, then the book needs to be returned back to the library. We children usually read small story books or Children`s Knowledge bank book, but we have seen students from higher classes, visit library and note down points that they require for their learning. They sometimes even take books from library for reference.
The library is usually a very quiet place and it is often seen full with students and teachers refereeing notes that they require for the respective subjects that they are looking out for. There is a separate reading room in the library where students could go and read whatever they like, but maintain silence.
Lots of knowledge could be acquired from a library and our school library has a great collection of books, which makes this a lot easier for students to gather information.I like my library very much and I love spending time reading books, sitting in the reading room. It is so quiet that one could really enjoy reading and also study peacefully and learn a lot of great things in the world.

Our School Library/ A school library
A library is a store house of knowledge. A library satisfies our eternal desire for knowledge of the unknown and the unseen. A library plays an important role in the realm of knowledge. A library is a part and parcel of a school. No school is complete without a library. Our school has a big library. It is housed in a separate two storyed building. The library has a good collection. There are many almirahs. The books are arranged in different shelves according to subjects. The reading room and the office room of the librarian are separate. The librarian has some assistants. There is a big reading room. The reading room is well furnished. When we take the help of a catalogue, the assistants at once find the book and help us. We are issued library cards. We can borrow books from the library. We are to return the borrowed books after two weeks. In the reading room we can read as many books as we like. Silence is must here. Nobody is allowed to make noise. We are proud of our school library. 

157 Words Short paragraph on My School Library

Library is a room where the books on different subjects are kept. Everyone should read books including the students because only text books cannot provide us with knowledge. Those who cannot buy the books must read them from the library. Students should 'take the books from school library and read it. I am a student of class fifth. My school has a very big library. It has books on various subjects and they are arranged in the almirahs class wise. There are chairs and tables in the library. A library has certain rules which we are supposed to follow. We should remain quiet in the library. The books are issued for just a week and then it is given back to the librarian in proper condition.A library is very useful to us. We should read books. Reading books is a very good hobby. Books are our best friends. They help us a lot by giving knowledge.


    A library is a place where books are kept for reading. It is a store house of books. It is a part and parcel of a school. So there is a library in our school. There are many kinds of books in our school. The students peacefully go there and borrow books from the librarian. It is a quite place. It remains open all day. Many students sit there and study. There are many journals and magazines in our school library. There are two big rooms. In one room, there are books of science, history , literature etc in many language. In this room, books are kept in almiras and shelves. The other room of the library is the reading room. Our school librarian comes in the morning. He keeps the books in perfect order. He is very co-operative.

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