Appropriate Preposition

# যে সকল শব্দ noun or pronoun এর পূর্বে বসে, সে Noun or Pronoun এর সাথে বাক্যের অন্যান্য শব্দের কি সম্পর্ক তা নির্দেশ করে তাকে Preposition বলে।
যেমন-The book is on the table.

# Use of Preposition # 

At : ছোট স্থান , নির্দিষ্ট্য সময়, বয়স, দিক, মাত্রা, দ্বায়িত্ব বুঝাতে At ব্যবহৃত হয়।
যেমন- He lives at Sonaimuri in Noakhali. Palash come here at 10 am.

In : বড়স্থান, কোন কিছুর ভিতরের অবস্থান , মাস, বছর, সিমানার মধ্যে, ভবিষ্যতের কালে ব্যপক সময়, অবস্থা, বিষয় বুঝাতে In ব্যবহৃত হয়।
যেমন-Palash live in Noakhali. Payel was born in January in 2010.

Into : কোন কিছুর ভিতরে প্রবেশ করা, কোন কিছু রুপান্তরিত হওয়া বঝাতে Into ব্যবহৃত হয়।
যেমন- Hasina into the class room. Water is changed into ice.

For : কোন স্থানের দিকে বুঝাতে , কারোর জন্য বুঝাতে , ব্যপক সময় বুঝাতে For ব্যবহৃত হয়।
যেমন- He started for Dhaka. 9 am waiting for you.He has been ill for five days.

On : কোন কিছুর উপর বুঝাতে, নির্ভরতা , নির্দিষ্ট দিন বা তারিখ অনুসারে, উপলক্ষে, পরপরই চালূ করা বুঝাতে On ব্যবহৃত হয়।
যেমন- The book on the table. The cow lives on grass. He come on Monday. Hasina invite Payel on hs marriage day. Switch on the TV.

By :  কোন মাধ্যমে যাওয়া, কোন কিছু দ্বারা, ভবিষ্যতের নির্দিষ্ট সময়ের পূর্বে বুঝাতে, কোন কিছু বা বস্তুর পাশে বুঝাতে, নিকটে ,অনুসারে. প্রস্থের পরিমাপ, শব্দ করা বুঝাতে By ব্যবহৃত হয়।
যেমন-Payel went there by boat. He sat by fire.

To : কোন কিছুর দিকে বুঝাতে, উদ্দেশ্য, কারোর প্রতি অর্থে , অনুযায়ী,পরিনতি,পর্য়ন্ত বুঝাতে To ব্যবহৃত হয়।
যেমন- He went to school yesterday. He came to meet me.He was beaten to death.

After : পরে ( সময়) বুঝাতে , মিল বা সাদৃশ্য বুঝাতে, পিছনে, আকাঙ্খা বুঝাতে After ব্যবহৃত হয়।
যেমন- He come here after noon. He runs after the thief.

Before : ভবিষ্যতে নির্দিষ্ট সময়ের পূর্বে বুঝাতে, কোন কিছুর সম্মূখ বুঝাতে Before ব্যবহৃত হয়।
যেমন- He will come here before 3 am.

Between : দুয়ের মাঝে বুঝাতে between ব্যবহৃত হয়।
যেমন-Divide the mangoes between Payel and Hasina.

Of : সম্বন্ধ পদ বুঝাতে, উদ্ভুত বুঝাতে এবং বাক্যের সাথে “র” বুঝাতে Of ব্যবহৃত হয়।
যেমন-The water of this pond in not pure.

About : প্রায় বুঝাতে, কোন বিষয় বা সম্পর্ক বুঝাতে, চারদিকে বুঝাতে About ব্যবহৃত হয়।
যেমন-There are about fifty students in our class.I know everything about payel.

কিছু Preposition এ ব্যবহার অনুশীলন এখানে

Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition:
He was sentenced to death.
It is a story of love at first sight.
In winter people bask in the sun.
She is vain of her dress.
The lady is not amenable to reason.
Bangladesh is rich in natural gas.
Always be prepare for the work.
He rescued the child from danger.
I can not part with my pen.
Our path is beset with difficulties.
We are still short of fund.
A tax was imposed on cigarettes.
I told you about the book.
He was about to die.
Tom hit upon an excellent idea.
I ran to her.
I failed to cope with the new environment.
We all mourn for him.
Poverty is often an obstacle to higher studies.
His action is contrast  to his profession.
Your plan is open to objection.
A sinner has to atone for his sins.
I have no taste for music.
He entered into the room.
He was absent from the meeting.
He pretended to madness.
I have no appetite for food.
I have no objection to the proposal.
A lazy boy always despairs of success in life.
Students should have regard for their teachers.

Rina live in Magura.
I talked to open about his business.
Tomal swore by Allah.
I introduced him to my brother.
He is above in the society.
I often exchange ideas with him.
The bus is about to start.
He spoke in favor of his son.
I shall not mix with you.
He just glanced at me.
He is jealous of my fame.
I have no greed in riches.
He jumped with joy to see me.
He is hostile to my plan.
Do not impute motives to him.
The house is infected with small pox.
I hinted at the coming trouble.
He is partial to his friend.
His house is opposite to mine.
He has a passion for music.
A drowning man catches at a straw.
He pleaded with me for justice.
Do not sheer at me.
He is a prey to greed.
This will put a sheer on his name.
He is polite in his manners.
He is popular with all for his goodness.
He is a slave to his passions.
I have presented the book to my sister.
You have sinned against god, and must suffer.
He is proud of his rank.
He is silent about the point.
He is a prey of greed.
He sided with me.
I shall proceed against you in the cour
You acted contrary to orders.I became detached from my friends.
Smoking is destructive to health.
We all mourn for him.
Take care of your health.
Drinking is abhorrent to me.
The Padma abounds with fishes.
This name is strange to me.
Never wink at your son’s fault.
He will compensate for my loss.
I can not stop to such meanness.
The thief was alarmed at the violence.
He was suspected of treachery.
A physician treated with me well.
I am suffering from malaria.
He has no  sympathy for his brother.
I have no zest for the work now.
He subsists on rice.
The rebels yield to the king.
He is worthy of praise.
I am pleased with him.
The committee consists of five members.
He is popular with all for his goodness.
He met me on Sunday.
He plunged into the river.
Man has no escape from death.
I shall protest you from danger.
Industry is the key to success.
Your remark is not relevant to the point.
The soldiers rebelled against the king.
It is the car of my uncle.
Omi was angry at the result.
Mr. Mehedi welcomed the delegates to the conference.
I can give you no assurance of help.
The committee had an inquiry into the case.
The girl has no ability of painting.
The traditional method of rice cultivation leads to a yield of about 700 kg/acre of Amon Paddy.
On the night before the exam, she was seen poring over the books.
Your work is more important than your games.
It is wise for you to study properly.
She prides  herself on her beauty.
I could not convince him of his mistakes.
Bangladesh abounds with rivers.
He refrained from passing any comment.

^উপরে যেতে ক্লিক করুন